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Are You Stressed?

In our busy modern lifestyle it is not hard to be affected by stress. In fact, a little bit of stress is healthy and can motivate you to finish that project by the allotted deadline. In our caveman days it was a life saving strategy to dodge that man eating dinosaur. In our modern life being subject to chronic stress has a negative impact on your body causing your body to remain constantly on alert. Over time this can result in your blood pressure rising, low energy and weight gain around the stomach area. Some people reach for more coffee to get them moving in the morning and then alcohol to calm them down enough at night to sleep.

Chronic Stress

When the average person is subject to a long list of commitments the life work balance suffers and relaxation gets forgotten. As a result of ongoing stress the body produces cortisol from your adrenal glands which overtime impacts on your blood glucose level and blood pressure. In acute stress people will lose weight while in chronic stress people tend to put on weight usually around the middle organs and feel low in energy.

Natural Lifestyle Tips

  1. Exercise: supports healthy energy production, reduces muscle tension as well as releasing endorphins to increase your feelings of wellbeing and health. It also helps your mind to switch off.

  2. Get Back To Nature: Some time spent in nature, whether it be a walk on the beach, a picnic or reading a book in your favourite park or a bush walk. Not only will it rejuvenate, calm and clear your mind, it also lowers diabetes and heart disease risk, improves mental health and prolongs life.

  3. Friends and Family: Make sure you allocate time to spend with friends and family.

  4. Sports and Hobbies: Find a new hobby or join a sports team, it’s a great way to meet new people and allow you to switch off and learn a new skill. Remaining active and engaged in the community is an important attribute in healthy ageing.

  5. Meditation: Has a calming effect on the mind and restores your energy while improving your sense of wellbeing.

  6. Eat Well: Choose healthy food, ensure you eat protein (eggs, meat, fish, tofu, legumes, beans, tempeh, nuts and seeds at each meal).

  7. Cut The Sweets: Avoid sugary processed food as sugar can increase give make your low energy worse.

  8. Avoid Caffeine: Tea and coffee are stimulants which can decrease your energy.


Practice deep breathing exercises;

  1. Find a comfortable spot.

  2. Then breathe in deeply while counting to 4

  3. Hold for your breathe for the count of 4

  4. Breathe out while counting to 4

  5. Repeat 5-10 times depending on time available

Deep breathing switches on your parasympathetic nervous system which has the opposite actions to the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and is associated with relaxation of muscles and a feeling of calm. The SNS is involved in flight or fight response when you are confronted with danger. It allows you to find the energy or strength to fight or run away. When we are exposed to chronic stress, SNS remains activated making us feel tense, unable to relax, wired and tired as refreshing sleep is often difficult without supplements or medication.

Herbal Support

There are some great herbs called adaptogens which can support the body and improve our energy levels while building our resilience to stress. These herbs are non habit forming. Common adaptogenic herbs include;

  1. Rhodiola is used to treat fatigue, physical and emotional stress, debility, convalescence following a long illness such as post viral syndrome or chronic fatigue.

  2. Withania is a great adrenal tonic when people have endured long periods of physical or emotional stress particularly following a protracted illness. It will also support the immune system.

  3. Schisandra will also improve physical and mental stress, improve exercise tolerance, and support the nervous system as well as liver detoxification pathways.

  4. Siberian Ginseng is another adaptogenic herb which supports the adrenal glands and immune system during long periods of stress. It is particularly indicated in people with chronic immune deficiencies and debility such as post viral syndromes or chronic fatigue.

If you your are experiencing chronic stress, a naturopath will also consider prescribing you amino acids such as tyrosine which are the building blocks for brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters have a crucial role in supporting a healthy stress response and mood.

A holistic health professional can help you cope and combat chronic stress. Neuro energetic kinesiology along with herbal, flower and nutritional supplements can help you improve your resilience and response to stress.

Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Kinesiology is a great tool for identifying and diffusing stress. When there are unresolved issues which are often traumatic and the person was unable to resolve at the time it will often be stored in the body. It will then present as pain, stiffness in a part of the body or on occasions as anxiety or feelings of panic depending on the intensity and the person’s experience. Neuro energetic kinesiology will help the person work through that issue using a variety of tools such as essential oils, acupressure or sound such as bells or tuning forks to negate that energy and allow the body to function better. It will remove the emotional charge associated with at memory or experience.

Depending on the issue, people may well need physical support such as herbal or flower remedies to assist them to resolve the underlying cause of anxiety and or pain. On occasions these physical symptoms will need herbal or supplements along with flower remedies to support the person during the healing process. In some cases, chronic stress and anxiety will result in poor functioning gut. Your naturopath can help rebuild your gut so your neurotransmitters which affect mood and feelings of anxiety work more efficiently.

Australian Bush Flower Remedies

Australian flower remedies were first used by the indigenous people where they would lie under that tree or in a bed of flowers to absorb that energy from the plant and flowers they needed. As this is not practical solution these days, the energy of the flowers as been stored in bottles and is now prescribed in drop doses.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and the lifestyle tips are not enough to reduce your stress why not try the services of a holistic health practitioner. Neuro energetic kinesiology and or the services of a naturopath can restore your quality of life. As health professionals we can work with your medical practitioner and or psychologist / psychiatrist to achieve the best for you.

Health rebates available for naturopathy. Book an appointment!

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